jack and jill went up the hill to smoke

The humorous monologues throughout the song by Gap Band lead singer, Wilson's spoken intro, "this is radio station W-GAP", was a reference to Parliament's opening line in ", The line, "the bigger the headache the bigger the pill, the bigger the doctor the bigger the bill" was said to be influenced by similar lines from, The horn break is a direct lift from the intro to "Disco to Go" by, This page was last edited on 18 August 2022, at 23:06. On top of spaghetti all coverd with cheese, I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed. Pizzia said the lady with the alligator purse! Then up got Jack and said to Jill, As in his arms he took her, "Brush off that dirt for you're not hurt, Let's fetch that pail of water." So Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch the pail of water, Jack fell down and broke his crown As they were returning, Jack fell and was badly injured. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water . Image illustrating Jack and Jill going to fetch a bucket of water. Reciting rhymes with kids promotes kids to learn more about the language. Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water; Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill came tumbling after. Jack and Jill went up a hill to smoke some marijuana. To fetch a pail of water; Jack and Jill went up the hill, so Jack could lick her candy, But Jack got a shock, and a mouth full of cock, Cause Jill's real name is Randy. Jack and Jill went up the hill Miss Suzie had a baby, she named him Tiny Tim. Jake and Jill went up a hill.Jack got corny and Jill got horny and now they have a daughter. Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after Up Jack got and home he ran As fast as he could caper There his mother bound his head With vinegar and brown paper Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown [9] This change of emphasis was signalled by the book's coloured illustrations and introductory epigraph: "Read it who will, Theyll laugh their fill". Chicken pox said the doctor, measles said the nurse Nothing said the lady with the alligator purse. Jack & Jill went up the hill This is just a preview! He drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap. jill said yes, pulled up her dress, and had a little fun, but stupid jill, forgot the pill, and now they have a son Sent by jessica Rating: 5/5 (11 Votes) or Email Friend But Wait! JackAndJill. Take a look, overhead. And broke his crown, And Jill in her gown of silk, oh! (re-titled "Oops Up Side Your Head" on the single as well as being known by other titles such as "Oops Upside Your Head") is a 1979 song recorded by the R&B group the Gap Band. Hand clapping game Winston tastes good like a cigarette should like oh ah wanta piece of pie pie to sweet, want a piece of meat meat to tough, want ride a bus bus to full want to ride a bull bull to fast want my money back money to green want a jelly bean bean to red want to go to bed now close your eyes and count to ten, if you miss start over again 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Miss Suzie went to heaven, Her steamboat went to Hell-o operator, give me number nine. Ice cream soda swimming on top, give me the initials of your sweetheart. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, Jill fell down, and cracked her crown, So Jack went down, and fast as he could court her, Jack filled Jill's pail, with milk and not with water It's basically saying she got knocked unconscious and raped because she went alone somewhere with a boy. put it all backwards and what do you get? We see five young hikers on a fell-walking trip with a pall of gloom hanging over them after tragedy has befallen one of their friends. The original rhyme dates back to the 18th century and different numbers of verses were later added, each with variations in the wording. The line broke, the monkey choked, and they all went to heaven in a little row boat. [20] And in 1877 the single-stanza version illustrated by Walter Crane appeared in The Baby's Opera (London 1877), which described itself as "a book of old rhymes in new dresses, the music by the earliest masters". Delaney, Lesley Jane: "'Making amusement the vehicle of instruction': Key Developments in the Nursery Reading Market 1783-1900", UCL PhD thesis, 2012, See the digitized Library of Congress copy at the. Why did Jack and Jill go up to the hill? Jill fell down and broke her crown James Brown glad to meetchea drop your draws and follow meshea in the, Driving down the highway, Highway 44, **Blank** let a big one, and. [21], The Victorian composer Alfred James Caldicott, who distinguished himself by setting several nursery rhymes as ingenious part songs, adapted "Jack and Jill" as one in 1878. La la la la la la la "I Don't Believe You Want to Get Up and Dance (Oops!)" Know more about our courses. Carefully they brought it down He lives in a garbage can (toot, toot). it's something about an 80s icon. He's Popeye the sailor man (toot, toot). to fetch a pail of water. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. My mother, your mother, lived across the street 1819 Blueberry Street Everytime they had a fight this is what they said: Boys are rotten, made out of cotton Girls are handy, made out of candy Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider Girls go to Mars to get more candy bars Boys drink whiskey to get more friskey Girls drink Pepsi, to get more sexy, Miss Lucy had a baby She named him Tiny Tim She put him in the bathtub To see if he could swim He drank up all the water He ate up all the soap He tried to eat the bathtub but it wouldn't go down his throat Miss Lucy called the doctor The doctor called the nurse The nurse called the lady with the alligator purse In walked the doctor In walked the nurse In walked the lady with the alligator purse Measles said the doctor Mumps said the nurse Nothing said the lady with the alligator purse A dollar charged the docter Fifty cents charged the nurse Nothing charged the lady with the alligator purse Out walked the doctor Out walked the nurse Out walked the lady with the alligator purse, My boyfriends name is fatty He comes from Cincinatti With a pimple on his nose And two fat toes And this is how my story goes. Papa said so Mama said so That's the way you shake it if you want to catch a beau Shake it east Shake it west Until you've got enough I've got enough I've got enough I've got a pocket full of stuff! " Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall/Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. [CDATA[ var opts = { and, Nursery Rhymes Lyrics provided by SongLyrics.com. Later the spelling was changed to Jill and more verses were added to carry the story further, of which the commonest are: Up Jack got and home did trot, Among the Juvenile Songs rewritten and set to music by Fanny E. Lacy (Boston 1852) was a six-stanza version of Jack and Jill. The village proudly claims to be the 'home of Jack and Jill Hill' and even celebrates its status all over town. Jack fell down and broke his crown My name is KI PICKLE I PICKLE I KI BUM BUM BIRDY WALLA WALLA WHISKEY INDIAN CHIEF! The mother scolded the girl named Jill in the poem. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. they walk with joy and laughter Then up got Jack and said to Jill, 'Cause if you're little, you can do a lot, youMustn't let a little thing like 'little' stop you.If you sit around and let them get on top, youWon't change a thing.Just because you find that life's not fair, itDoesn't mean that you just have to grin and bear it.If you always take it on the chin and wear it,You might as well be saying you think that it's OK.And that's not right.And if it's not right, you have to put it right.But nobody else is gonna put it right for me.Nobody but me is gonna change my story.Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty. S. Baring-Gould suggested that the rhyme is related to a story in the 13th-century Icelandic Gylfaginning in which the brother and sister Hjuki and Bil were stolen by the Moon while drawing water from a well, to be seen there to this day. Jack and Jill went up the hill. [16] Clifton Bingham (18591913) followed it with "The New Jack and Jill", which appeared in the childrens album Fun and Frolic (London and New York, 1900), illustrated by Louis Wain. went up the hill. Jack fell down and broke his crown to smoke some marijuana. Jack and Jill one day decided to fetch some water, to do so they climbed up the hill. Behind the refrigerator, there was a piece of glass. Down down baby, down by the rollercoaster. My mother gave me a nickle, my father gave me a dime My sister gave me a boyfriend,his name was Frankenstein. [12] Among other changes in the poem, Jack's injuries are treated, not with vinegar and brown paper, but "spread all over with sugar and rum". Nursery Songs and Rhymes. In the UK, the track first surfaced in mid-late 1979 as the B-side of the 12" release of "The Boys Are Back in Town" / "Steppin' (Out)". They jumped so high high high they reached the sky sky sky, and they did'nt come back back back 'til the first of July July July July can. Throughout the 19th century new versions of the story were written featuring different incidents. It was later released once again as the B-side to some copies of the remix version of "Party Lights". The single became an international hit for the group upon its late 1979 release. /* TFP - themusicallyrics.com - above */ Jack and Jill walked up a hill and smoked some marijuana. Cannot annotate a non-flat selection. With vinegar and brown paper song: "Naughty", Then in 1980, due to its popularity, it was flipped and re-titled with just "The Boys Are Back in Town" as the B-side. Apart from helping academically by widening the vocabulary, reciting poems can help kids by boosting their creativity and imaginative thinking. Jack and jill<br>went up the hill<br>To fetch a pail of water<br>the hill was small<br>the trees were tall<br>they walk with joy and laughter<br>the well was deep<br>jack to<br>he tried to get the water<br>jack fell down and broke his crown<br>and DAFFY DUCK MESSED IT UP AND MADE ME KICK HIS A**, I was going to Kentucky, I was going to a fair I met a senorita with diamonds in her hair Oh, shake it, shake it, shake it Shake it all you can Shake it like a milkshake Shake it once again Turn to the east Turn to the west Turn to the one that you like best, Mailman mailman do your duty here comes the lady with the african booty she can do the pop-pop she can do the splits but most of all she can kiss kiss kissk-i-s-s-i-n-g (as reciting each letter girls get lower into the splits). (began callig off letters of the alphabet, whatever letter you "get out" on is the initial of your sweetheart. Quack a dilly Oh My , quack quack quack Say cinco cinco cinco cinco sack! Make sure your selection Miss Suzie knocked the doctor. [CDATA[ Like and subscribe Show more. Make sure your selection Summary: In this poem, we see a couple of children climbing a hill with a . When I found my meatball t'was nothing but mush. }; With vinegar and brown paper. [25][26], Sigmund Spaeth was eventually to have fun with the rhyme by adapting it to a number of bygone musical styles as The musical adventures of Jack & Jill in Words & Music: A Book of Burlesques, (Simon and Schuster, 1926). Verse 2: Oh Johnny playmate, I cannot play with you. This was Margaret Johnson's "A New Jack and Jill", in which the brother and sister constantly return with an empty bucket because they have not noticed that there is a hole in it. Released off their fourth studio album, The Gap Band II, the song and its parent album both achieved commercial success. Mother vexed As in his arms he took her, To fetch a pail of water Includes the lyrics . 2013 BroadwayMatilda the Musical - Naughty Lyrics(Performs - Matilda) In this version the trio of Jack, Jill, and their mother Dame Gill experience further mishaps involving the dog Ball, an attack from a goat, falls from a see-saw, a swing and a pig, followed by a parental whipping for getting dirty. He made me do the dishes, he made me wash the floor He made we wash his underpants and I kicked him out the door! 2006-2023 Skyship Entertainment. Were the bull frogs jump to bank to bankyit gog hip bamb bomb soda pop the frog missed the lilly and he went ker-plop. For causing Jack's disaster. [7] The compress of vinegar and brown paper to which Jack resorted after his fall was a common home cure used to heal bruises. hot dog, stomp stomp, clap clap, ding dong! I went to a Chinese restaurant to buy a loaf of bread They wrapped it up in tissue paper and this is what he said My name is K-I-pickle-I Pickle-I-K-I Humpback birdie Walla walla whiskey Chinese porkchop Bow wow puppy dog chow! Like Totally, For Sure, I Just Got A Manicure, The Sun, I Swear, Is Bleaching Up My Gorgeous Hair, 33, 44, I Don't Know The Stupid Score Go, Go Fight, Fight Gee I Hope I Look All Right Go, Go Fight, Fight Gooooo ?????! And dropped her dress. And Jill came tumbling after Miss Susie called the Doctor, The Doctor called the nurse, The nurse called the lady with the alligator purse. "Jack and Jill" Lyrics Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water. Jack and Jill Went up a hill To smoke some marijuana .more .more Jack and Jill Remix Rodrigo dos Santos 141K views 12 years ago Monster || COMPLETE Yellowfang Warriors MAP. As he reached home, he climbed on his bed and applied some brown paper and vinegar to his injuries. Edited by W. Gannon, copy available at the Internet Archive. He tried to eat the bathtub but it wouldn't fit down his throat. La la la la la la la. [33], A more prosaic origin of the rhyme is suggested by historian Edward A. Martin, who notes that pails of water may readily have been collected from dew ponds, which were located on the tops of hills.[34]. And Jill came tumbling after. Soon after this Mother came to the house, she found that Jack was badly injured. It is so used, for example, in the proverb "Every Jack (shall/must) have his Jill",[6] to which there are references in two plays by William Shakespeare dating from the 1590s. Jack got high, unzipped his fly and said, "Do you wanna?". La la la la la la la La la la la la la La la la la la la la La la la la la la la Sometimes there were several different editions from the same press, such as, for example, the Banbury editions of John Golby Rusher (17841877) between 18351845. I ran past the corner I ran past the block I ran right into a doughnut shop I picked out a doughnut with lots of grease And gave the lady a five cent peice She looked at the money and she looked at me This money isn't good she said you see There's a hole in the middle and I could see right through There's a hole in the doughnut too Thanks for the doughnut toot-a-loo, MISS SUE (CLAP CLAP) MISS SUE FROM ALABAMA SHE'S HAVIN A PARTY CHICA BOOM CHICA BOOM CHICA BOOM BOOM BOOM MAMA GOT THE MEASELS DADDY GOT THE FLU I AIN'T LYIN NEITHER ARE YOU JUST SITTIN IN THE FIELD PEALING WHITE POTATAS SITTIN IN THE HALL DRINKIN ACHAHOL GOT TO DRUNK I FELL OUT HOW MANY HOURS WAS I KNOCKED OUT, MICKEY MOUSE BUILT A HOUSE AND MADE IT OUT OF GLASS. Ice cream soda Cherry on top Who's your (boyfriend/girlfriend) I forgot A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z. Christopher Crabface sailed the Missisloppy river in 1492. Create and get +5 IQ. Fads & Fashion Section Navigation Follows. // ]]> popular during the 80s. Jingle Bells, Batman smells Robin laid and egg The batmobile lost it's wheel and Joker got away, hey! Jack and Jill Lyrics Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after Up Jack got and home did trot As fast. })(); Went up the hill But the ghost of his mother appears and inhabits them, putting them in danger. The origin of the Jack and Jill nursery rhyme dates back at least to 18th century England, with various versions and lyrics. I have seen the glory of the burning of the school. })(); Jack and Jill went up the hill McDonald's has it's own web page. Take me back. She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain (When She Comes). La la la la la la la In France, the single was a 7" with no B-side. We hope to have provided an insightful take on the poem. If you don't, I don't care, I'll pull down your underwear. The funniest sub on Reddit. sweet sweet baby, I'll never let you go shimmy shimmy cocoa puff, shimmy shimmy pow! In the Netherlands, the 12" B-side was "The Boys Are Back in Town". Up Jack got, and home did trot, As fast as he could caper, To old Dame Dob, who patched his nob With vinegar and brown paper. To fetch a pail of water Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. To fetch a pail of milk, oh! Jack got high, unzipped his fly. [27] Later on the English composer Geoffrey Hartley (19061992) set the original as a chamber piece for horn and two bassoons, or for wind trio (1975), and later reset it as a bassoon trio. Bought me ice cream, bought me cake, brought me home with a bellyache. //
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