la porte high school football records

The school district purchased 44.8 acres in 1959 on "J" Street (now Fairmont Parkway) and built a new La Porte High School, housing grades nine through twelve. Your real name will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more! The La Porte High School Academic Decathlon team has qualified to compete at the Texas Academic Decathlon State Meet after winning eight medals, including individual runner-up at the regional meet on Jan. 27-28. Berneathy is well respected in both the Texas high school and college football coaching communities. Mission Statement: La Porte Jr. High Athletics' main purpose is to support total educational growth while developing well rounded student-athletes who exhibit sportsmanship and character through competition. LaPorte High School is a public high school located in LaPorte, Indiana. Read more here! In 1935, the second yearbook, The LPHS Daze, had a one-time publication by Lynnwood Anderson, editor-in-chief. Your web browser does not support the